Opening Ceremony “Old Actors” | This midsummer, Panasonic engineering projectors assisted three consecutive sports events

On August 8th, the end of the three volts, the beginning of autumn. The sun bird flew to Chengdu again, marking the end of the 12-day Chengdu Universiade.

On this day, following the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade, Panasonic Engineering projectors completed the “relay” and once again boarded the 15th Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Games (hereinafter referred to as “Inner Mongolia 15th Games”) and the 14th Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Games (hereinafter referred to as “Xinjiang 14th National Games”), the stage of the opening ceremony has successfully completed the projection performance of the opening ceremony, spanning more than 2,000 kilometers, igniting the light of sports, and offering aesthetic feasts one after another.

The 15th National Games of Inner Mongolia burns northern Xinjiang

The melodious long tune with the grassland style gradually started, and the 15th National Games of Inner Mongolia was grandly opened. Panasonic 102 PT-SMZ20KCL and 6 PT-SRQ50KC engineering projectors spread light and shadow pictures on the 8820-square-meter stadium.

Actors dressed in national costumes shook their shoulders, turned their wrists, turned and jumped on the flowing light and shadow. The camera is zoomed out, green grass, flocks of cattle and sheep, the Yellow River outlines the “ji” character bay, and the unrestrained beauty of the local area can be seen in a panoramic view.

The main model used in this opening ceremony, Panasonic PT-SMZ20KCL, has a brightness of 21,400 lumens (center brightness), which is integrated with spotlights and LEDs on the same stage, and is always full and bright.

Based on the WUXGA high-definition resolution and dynamic contrast NX function of the Panasonic PT-SMZ20KCL engineering projector, even under the TV broadcast lens, every frame of the picture on the stage can be full of details and full of light and shade levels: the heavy ears of wheat beat each other , Ripples appear on the vast river, vividly telling the beautiful scenery of the grassland.

This night, the lights and shadows were intertwined, dazzling, Panasonic engineering projectors vividly restored the beautiful northern Xinjiang for the people of Inner Mongolia.


The 14th National Games of Xinjiang is full of beauty

As soon as the 15th National Games in Inner Mongolia came to an end, the Bayin Stadium in Korla City, more than 2,300 kilometers away, was lit up with gorgeous lights. The 14th National Games in Xinjiang opened, and the eyes of the entire autonomous region focused on this place.

The opening ceremony of the 14th National Games in Xinjiang broke through the pattern of conventional stage performances, cleverly combined ground projection and side wall projection to create a multi-dimensional image space, Panasonic 10 PT-SRQ50KC, 44 PT-SRZ34KC, 40 PT-SMZ20KCL engineering projection The machine presents a picture full of the beautiful scenery of Xinjiang to the audience.

The core projection area of the opening ceremony uses Panasonic’s 51,000 lumens (center brightness) native 4K engineering projector PT-SRQ50KC, 32,000 lumens (center brightness) PT-SRZ34KC and 21,400 lumens (center brightness) PT-SMZ20KCL to supplement and extend the picture.

Panasonic engineering projectors feature wide color gamut, high color purity, and ultra-high-definition features, presenting scene after scene of fine-frame images, allowing the splendid history and culture, rich customs and customs to bloom on the stage, and making the event condensed into the rich memory of Xinjiang people.


Chengdu Universiade brings together the glory of youth

On July 28, a magnificent opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade allowed the world to see the splendor of China and the charm of Tianfu culture.

In the opening ceremony of the Universiade, the projector takes on the responsibility of visual presentation on the ground. In the projection area of more than 13,000 square meters, 30 PT-SRQ50KC and 30 PT-SRZ34KC engineering projectors from Panasonic participated in it, creating a warm and grand atmosphere for international sports events.

In the entire opening ceremony, one of the links that “hit” the audience the most was the “splendid road” that the projector wove under the feet of the entering athletes. The colorful silk threads projected by the projector flowed to the ground, outlining the traditional and humanistic beauty of Chengdu.

The addition of Panasonic engineering projectors added more colorful colors to the event. In the dynamic changes of light and shadow, it highlights the modern characteristics and the charm of Bashu.

Project projector of “Strictly Selected for Opening Ceremony”

The 24th Shandong Provincial Games, the 13th Tianjin National Games, the 14th Xi’an Games, the Chengdu Games, the 15th National Games of Inner Mongolia, and the 14th National Games of Xinjiang. We confirmed that Panasonic engineering projectors are one of the first choices for “grand narratives”.

The confidence to become “Strictly Selected for the Opening Ceremony” comes from the extraordinary image expression and industry-leading brightness of Panasonic engineering projectors, as well as the advantages of safety, stability, integration and compatibility of Panasonic engineering projectors.

High-end models of Panasonic engineering projectors all have signal backup input function and multi-drive laser optical engine. On important occasions, even if the signal source is interrupted or the laser module of the projector fails, the change of the picture will not be easily noticed by the audience. The fault tolerance rate of the equipment is improved, which brings higher stability and reliability.

Except for some models, Panasonic engineering projectors all support the Art-Net lighting control protocol, which can integrate the projector and lighting into one system, which is centrally controlled by the lighting console and managed in a unified way, which significantly improves the convenience of operation and the convenience of the lighting engineer. efficiency.

The reason why the competition is moving is that the competition is brilliant, and it is also the cultural transmission at the opening ceremony. The cultural confidence and pride brought by the opening ceremony will benefit the audience for a long time. Every frame is wonderful, every second is moving. In the opening ceremonies of the three sports games, Panasonic engineering projectors ignited the enthusiasm for sports, supporting the perfect visual presentation and cultural interpretation of the opening ceremonies.

The fire of motion will never go out, and the story of light and shadow written by Panasonic engineering projectors is still to be continued.

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