FAB LED Visual Global Distributors Development Plan

Words from Aaron Patrick(CEO at FAB LED VISUAL):

In the past few years, we understand deeply how important the quality of  LED screen is! A piece of high quality(or should I say, fabulous) LED screen will help your business grow, it pays to do a investment to LED screen eventually. To be more specific, you will attract your clients and make them satisfied only if you can present fabulous visual effects to them, and buying a high quality LED screen will save you lot of work at the after-sales service.

Nowadays, we plan to build a service network worldwide by recruiting distributors. If you are a veteran LED screen importer, you are very welcome to become our distributor. FAB LED VISUAL carrys forward the spirit of craftsmanship and we often regard ourselves as craftsman, so as to express our feeling of passion towards fabulous LED screen.

Join us, be our distributor!

FAB LED VISUAL always welcome qualified distributors to join our global distributors development plan

We are a professional LED screen manufacturer in Shenzhen, China, providing various indoor and outdoor LED screens. We love to help you realize your ideas with our wide options and features for products.

Be FAB LED VISUAL’s distributor, you need to master LED screen installation, technical support, operation of control system and customs clearance. As return, you can enjoy our special price and promotional news, along with our exceptional customer service and technical training services.

Our compulsory requirements to the distributors:

1) potential distributors are required to have their own sales team and provide the pictures of the team to us.
2) potential distributors are required to run a company(ies) already.
3) potential distributors are required to do a one-time purchase to FAB LED VISUAL with at least $50,000
4) To maintenance the distributor qualification, the annual purchase amount is required to exceed $400,000

When we agree on the FAB LED VISUAL Distributor Agreements, the quotations after to the distributor will be calculated under the distributor pricing. We will send you FAB LED VISUAL DISTRIBUTOR PRICING SHEET and DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT then.